clear watery discharge feels like i peed myselfclear watery discharge feels like i peed myself

Even the act of inserting things like yoni pearls can cause harm to the resident microflora of the vagina. This is usually a normal sign of labor. White or cloudy discharge is normal during pregnancy. Before the physical examination, your doctor might ask you some questions like: After the questions, the doctor might take a sample of the discharge to test for infection, and recommend treatment if necessary. Pregnancy is the most common cause of watery discharge as it changes to prepare for the arrival of another human. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. So, no need to panic because pregnancy could affect the volume of discharge. However, in some cases, it produces a watery discharge that makes it feel as though you peed yourself, leaving you in an uncomfortable position. Healthy discharge usually has mild or no odour. See a doctor if you experience: Generally, women who are menopausal normally have minimal vaginal discharge as a result of lower levels of estrogen. The discharge from your vagina is a natural part of being female. Some people may experience less, whereas others may experience more. If this occurs to you, be sure to visit a doctor. Consult your doctor if you see a yellowish, painful, itchy, and foul-smelling discharge as it may be a sign of sexually transmitted infection (STI). on Watery Discharge: Why Do I Feel Like I Peed On Myself? However, pink vaginal discharge can be normal, especially if your period is due or you are newly pregnant. The discharge cleans the vagina of dead cells and harmful bacteria. UTI and Coffee: Everything You Need to Know About the Two! Download the app to join the conversation. Still, you may notice increased amounts when estrogen levels are high while pregnant or using birth control pills. This is because while men do not show symptoms, they are carriers of the pathogens and could re-infect women even after the latter has been duly treated. Hormonal imbalances due to stress or other health conditions, likepolycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), may alsocause increasesin vaginal discharge. Also, ensure that your underwear is ironed and changed often, once or twice daily. Most causes of watery discharge are harmless. Clear, watery discharge that feels like you wet yourself during menopause might indicate vaginal atrophy, a disease in which the vaginal walls gradually shrink. Chances are the wetness you feel is a watery-like substance, not fluids caused by sexual arousal. I have a lot of discharge, it is super watery and feels like. DISCLAIMER: The topics and articles published on this website including text, graphics, videos info graph and other material are for informational purposes only and should not be substituted for professional medical advice. However, when vaginal discharge assumes a foul smell (smelly) or appears coloured and flows irregularly more than normal quantity, then it is said that an infection has occurred. 7,677. Despite it feeling odd to have watery discharge, sometimes feeling as though you peed yourself, it is most often not a cause of concern. If left untreated, PID can lead to infertility. Some people complain of getting intermittent pain (mild to moderate) in the lower right abdominal region during this period which can be unnerving especially for women who are pregnant. Singapore Medical Journal, 297-301. doi: Women and HIV | Office on Womens Health. So, yes pregnancy can make watery discharge feels like I peed myself. If you're experiencing the sensation of peeing a release of your bladder with urine passing through your urethra and then realize that it's actually vaginal discharge, it's definitely time to see your doctor. And though vaginal discharge often changes throughout a persons menstrual cycle, some changes may indicate a health problem. Discharge can be weird for so many different reasons. Watery Discharge Feels Like I Peed Myself. She believes that medical content should be accessible to everyone and strives to write content that every single person can understand. For example, yellow malodorous vaginal discharge can be a sign of a bacterial infection or a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Watery discharge can also occur during menopause. If you have a yellow watery discharge that feels like you peed yourself, consult your doctor. i dont know what to think. sometimes it's a bit creamy color or kind of white too. However, if you are concerned about the amount or appearance of your discharge, you should see your doctor for an evaluation. The discharge can be clear or milky in color and is usually odorless. "You'll know something is off," says Dr. Gaither. Did you know you can access online urgent care with K Health? But you should call your doctor if you notice any changes from your usual discharge including: A deep yellow or green color A bad smell A thick or lumpy consistency Burning or irritation, which can be signs of infection Prescriptions as needed Having more watery discharge could be a pointer that you have probably started ovulating. A woman's menstrual fluid is called menses and will often have a clear to white color. No doubt, bacteria, and vag*nal infections could also complicate an ongoing pregnancy. In this article, Ill discuss some of the causes for grey discharge and what they [], Clear discharge can be a normal part of the menstrual cycle. Resist the urge to use tampons too. Clear, watery discharge, however, is rarely a sign of a problem. I have a watery clear discharge. This is because the hormones in the contraceptive thicken the cervical fluid. Your doctor may need to perform some tests to be able to specifically say whats wrong. However, you may continue to experience vaginal discharge during and after menopause. It is sexually transmitted though it can rarely be transmitted through other ways. You see, most people learn that urine (the fancy word for pee) comes out of the urethra, and for several decades, menstrual blood can come out of the vagina. This goes for the consistency and color of the discharge and when you tend to have it. In the United States, about 10 million women visit gynecologists yearly on account of watery vag*nal discharge. How to Grow Breasts in 2 Days Naturally at Home! Reply 20+ Similar Discussions Found Oldest First Whitleym1 However, some conditions could also bring about light or dark brown vaginal discharge. Clear or white discharge is very normal and may be due to exercise, ovulation, or sexual arousal. Should you suspect any underlying medical conditions, contact your doctor for further examination. Sometimes, if the clear, watery discharge produced when you're sexually aroused exits your vagina all at once, it can feel like you peed yourself. The following signs of abnormal discharge should prompt a visit to your doctor: Yellowish/greenish discharge is often caused by Trichomonas vag*nalis. Rarely is clear, watery discharge a sign of a serious underlying condition. A vagina or vulva that's itchy, red and sometimes swollen even before the onset of discharge. 1. Talk to a doctor online with K Health and get the answers you need. If you experience pink vaginal bleeding that isnt from an expected occasion (such as ovulation), this could be a sign of implantation and need treatment for pregnant women only. Youre about to learn some of the most hidden facts your doctor never shared with you before. and explain the situation. Watery discharge that feels like pee comes out of the vagina and makes one wonder if one has peed herself. The thinning of the vaginal walls called vaginal atrophy can cause watery discharge during menopause. The body produces more mucus at this stage than after it. unless it is a funny smell or color. This can interfere with the normal vag*na flora. So it is normal for women taking contraceptives to have whitish vaginal discharge throughout the month. Now we know the types of watery discharge, lets look at the causes. The whitish discharge could occur as a result of infection with the fungi called Candida Albicans. 3. The discharge might range in consistency from thin and watery to thick and sticky, which is also normal. After intercourse also, there is usually a watery discharge from the vagina. For example, high estrogen levels or menopause can cause excessive fluid from the vaginal canal due to a lack of control over its secretions. Reviewed by Dr. Iryna Ilyich There are other possible causes for increased vaginal discharge, which your doctor can diagnose. At this time, the egg will be ready to be fertilized by the sperm. Jessica is a medical writer with an unquenched thirst to discover something new. Girls who suffer from hormonal imbalances may also experience various vaginal discharges throughout their menstrual cycle, such as during ovulation, when you observe clear and odorless fluid coming out after sex or around menstruation time since blood has been flowing into the tissue near where it goes through the vagina. However, in some cases, a change in the amount or consistency of discharge can signify an infection. Ovulation: This is simply the release of mature eggs or ova from the ovaries. Some female may experience a clear white watery discharge during ovulation, and this is very normal and there is nothing to worry about. Avoid visiting the sea or pool too often and consult your gynaecologist in case you happen to have any watery discharge even after adhering to this preventive measures. In women who are premenopausal, it is normal to have approximately one-half to one teaspoon (2 to 5 mL) of white or clear, thick, mucus-like, and mostly odorless vaginal discharge every day. Copyright 2023 Eucarl Pharmacy | All Rights Reserved. In the past i always have gotten discharge but lately its been so liquidy it really feels like i'm peeing myself. Vaginal atrophy is a condition that causes the vaginal walls to thin and may occur in women whove gone through menopause. There's a good chance it has something to do with your pelvic floor: a group of muscles in the base of your pelvis that supports the organs in that part of the body, including the bladder, vagina, uterus, and rectum. Urgent Care vs. Walk-In Clinic: Whats the Difference? Douching is washing or cleaning out the inside of the vagina with water or other substances. Mac Bride, M. B., Rhodes, D. J., & Shuster, L. T. (2010). This could be clindamycin cream or oral metronidazole and possibly even vaginal Inserts. Antibiotics kill bacteria, which can upset the delicate balance of yeast and bacteria in the vagina that work to keep other germs in check. Watery discharge that feels like you peed yourself before your period is usually caused by: 1)Elevated oestrogen levels: Estrogen levels change throughout the menstrual cycle. In fact, according to an article published in the British Journal of Medicine, at some point in their lives, most people with vaginas will have discharge that they'll think is abnormal but is actually perfectly normal and healthy. No insurance needed. Familiar anyone? In this article, Ill discuss the common reasons for watery discharge, as well as more serious causes of vaginal discharge and their symptoms. There are many causes of watery vag*nal discharge. Checked with Doctor She have Yeast Infection,Taken Medicine and Glucose. So lets talk about some proven treatments; There are many ways to prevent infections of the genitals, but practicing good hygiene is essential. Because the clear, watery discharge is acidic, it flushes out harmful bacteria and dead cells. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Vaginal discharge. This mucus plug will be inside your cervix, and it will serve to protect the fetus. From a very young age, most people with a vagina and vulva get used to playing a game called "Why Is the Crotch of My Underwear Wet Today?!" Depending on the cause, your doctor can also prescribe treatment, such as antibiotics, to treat the infection and help you feel better. To [], Thick White Discharge: Causes and What It Means, Discharge is a common experience for women, and this fluid, which is secreted from the glands of the cervix, can give you insight into your health. Sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea, Chlamydia, or any other type of STI may present with STI too. Last night sitting on the sofa it felt as if a heavy period was starting suddenly. Pill M367 White: Identification | Uses | Side Effects | Dosage |, FDA Approves New Drug For Alopecia AreataOlumiant (Baricitinib). When the period ends, it can take up to four days for any vaginal discharge. Rao, V., & Mahmood, T. (2020). Hormonal birth control prevents pregnancy by increasing the amount of estrogen and progesterone in the bloodstream. During menopause, clear, watery discharge that feels like you peed yourself can signify vaginal atrophy: a condition that causes the vaginal walls to gradually thin. Vaginal discharge can be uncomfortable, but using panty liners or changing underwear multiple times a day can help increase comfort and prevent infections. The acidic nature of the secretions can help to deter bacteria and also remove dead cell debris.

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clear watery discharge feels like i peed myself

clear watery discharge feels like i peed myself